Not all players would just move over after so many years, they got used to SA:MP and are very attached to the community. Now many years later MTA passed SA:MP on every front. They had a good start, and then many years later () MTA came with the deathmatch version (DP1) and it was still buggy after all those years of development. SA:MP is more popular because of 1 simple reason they were first. If you're a member of RockPaperShotgun's comments section, we encourage you guys to post comments on the article about your MTA experiences! I went to talk to members of both mod communities to find out what keeps them playing.Ī big thanks to Richard Moss for taking the time out to cover us. Its two most popular online multiplayer mods currently have a million or more active players between them - one, Multi Theft Auto, had 616,000 players in July (up from just 33k in February 2010), while the other, SA-MP, oscillates between about 15,000 and 50,000 concurrent players. It may be two Grand Theft Auto generations and 11 years old, but GTA: San Andreas is still very much alive. It covers both MTA and SA-MP, but is interesting nonetheless. We recently had coverage on RockPaperShotgun about San Andreas multiplayer mods.